
Guadeloupe, Mikania? (=Chromolaena odorata)

- Milyen külhoni növény? 17.02.2018. 20:00
- Kemény Dió | 5.586 Hozzászólás

vagy Koanophyllon?

Koanophyllon Arruda da Camara The etymology of this generic name is obscure. It may be a lapsus for Kyunophyllon, indicating the leaves (phyllon) as a source of a blue dye (cyanin or mil), as discussed by the author.
Koanophyllon celddvolium Kmnophyllon celtidifolium (Lamarck) King & Robinson, 1971b:149, “celtidi- folia”.--i(ing & Robinson, 1975:255.
Eupltorium celtidifoliwn Lamarck, 1788,2:406.--Domin, 193Od:M. Eupltoriwn plkatwn Urban, 1907,5:523. Sprawling glabrescent subshrubs; leaves opposite, shortly petiolate, 3-veined but often with a pair of veins below, conspicuously (with magnification) dark gland-dotted beneath, margins distantly sermlate, apex long-tapered, base obtuse to rounded; inflorescence loose; heads small, 7-20-flowered; involucral bracts 7-16, in 1-2 series; receptacle slightly convex, naked; anther appendages wider than long, very short; style base unenlarged, stylar appendages distinctly enlarged apically, smooth; achenes 5-ribbed, ribs setiferous, wpopo- dium short and narrowed below; pappus of many capillary bristles, 2-3 mm long. Northern South America into Antilles; occasional weed in Dominica, apparently in f drier sites: Clarke Hall (Ernst 1262, Stern & Wasshausen 2398), Petit Coulibri (Whitefoord 4665, a)02), Riviere Douce (Eggers 68), Rosehill (Eggers 541), South Chiltem (Ernst 1876), Soufriere (Lloyd 737).

Mikania Willdenow, nom. cons. A widespread species, Mikania cordifolia (Linnaeus f.) Willdenow, has been reported for Dominica by VBlez (1957:81) but no specimens have been seen. Medicinal usage for that species was reported by Adjanohoun et al. (1985:85, pl. 52). Specimens from Guadeloupe (Stehle 5466, Duss 2814) and Martinique (Duss 310) have been seen, the latter misidentified and cited by Urban as M. scandens (= M. micrantha here). It usually has cordate leaves with toothed margins of M. micrantha but is densely pubescent and has distinctly longer involucres (6-8 mm) and achenes (3-4 mm). 1. Leaves thick-coriacous; heads small (involucre 2 mm long); plants of summits of high mountains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. ovalis 1. Leaves thin-coriaceous to membranous: heads larger (involucre 4-8 mm long); plants of middle to lower elevations. 2. Inflorescences ending in pedicelled heads: leaves mem- branous, usually cordate at base with toothed margins . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . M. micrantha 2. Inflorescences ending in 3 sessile heads; leaves thin- coriaceous, usually rounded at base with entire margins. 3. Heads smaller (involucre 4-5 mm); achenes shorter (2-3 mm) . . . . . , . . . . . . . . M. hookeriana 3. Heads larger (involucre 6-7 mm); achenes longer (4-5 mm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. iiatifolia
Mikania hookeriana Mikania hookeriaw A.P. Candolle, 1836,5:195. Mikanicr badieri A.P. Candolle, 1836, 5:194.-Urban, 1907, 5:219.--DOmin,
Mikania hap^ Grisebach, 1861:363. Mikania hookriano var. badieri (A.P. Candolle) Robinson, 1934x51. 193Od:67.--Stehl6, 1954b371. Herbaceous, twining vines; leaves opposite, thinly cori- aceous, base rounded, margins entire; heads C sessile; involucre
4 mm long, subtended by a longish bracteole, bracts 4; receptacle small, naked; florets 4, discoid, 5-t00thed, teeth 1 mm long; achenes 2-3 mm long, crowned with capillary bristles. Northern South America into Central America and Lesser Antilles; rare in Dominica at midelevations: Couliaboun [M. Anglais] (Imray s.n. [type of M. imrayana], Nicolson 4100, 4105), Grand Bay (Eggers 655). between Laudat & Valley of Desolation (Whitefoord 5486), Lisdara (Cooper 172). Although the Antillean materials are isolated from the mainland, they do not seem sufficiently differentiated for infraspecific recognition. This species may intergrade with M. latifolia, although not on Dominica.
Mikania latifolia Mihnio latifdio J.E. Smith in Rees, 1813,23, no. 8.-Urban, 1907,5:222. Mihnio lotifolio f. dominicensis Urban, 1907,5:223.--Stehle,1954b:71. Mihnio lotifolio var. dominicensis (Urban) Domin, 193Od:68. Leaves thinly coriace~us, base rounded to k cordate or tapered, margins entire; heads sessile, with short bracteoles; involucre 6-7 mm; corolla lobes 3 mm long; achenes 4-5 mm. Lesser Antilles; occasional on Dominica, usually at midele- vations or near east coast: Freshwater Lake (Chambers 2568), Laudat (Eggers 998 type of f. dom’nicensis), Morne Negres Marrons (Hodge 1069), Rosalie (Eggers 656). Woodford Hill (Chambers 2604). The question with this taxon is not whether infraspecific taxa should be recognized but whether it is bvly different from some South American species.
Mikania micrantha Mihnia microntha Kunth, 1820,4:1M.-Robinson, 1934b:57. Mikonio scondens smsu Urban, 1907, 5229, et Domin, 193Od:66. not as to type of Mikmio scondens (Linnaeus) Willdenow. Glabrous; leaves thinly membranous, usually cordate at base and with margins undulately toothed; heads pedicelled; involucre 4 mm; achenes 2 mm. Neotropical, elsewhere an introduced weed; the commonest Mikania of Dominica: Baiac (Whitefoord 3829), Belle Fille (King 6354), Carholm (King 6393), Carib Reserve (Hodge 3235), Clarke Hall (Chambers 2707, Ernst 1694, Deux Branches (Chambers 2772, Hodge 2989), Fond Colet (King 6292), Fond St. John (King 6330), Freshwater Lake (Wilbur 7476), Grand Bay road (Ernst 1619), La Chaudiere (Hodge 3579), Laudat (Gillis 8196), L’Imprevue (Narodny s.n.), Lisdara (Hodge 2340), Marigot (Hodge 765), Milton (Hodge 2564), Pont Casse (Long & Norstog 3373, Wilbur 7773), Pointe Michel (King 6311), Pointe Ronde (Hodge 2697), Rasade (King 631 7), Roche d’Or (Stern & Wasshausen 2580), near Rosalie (Chambers 2726), Roseau (Cooper 136), South Chiltern (Hodge 1538), Sylvania (Cooper 89, Hodge 766, Nicolson 1863, Syndicate (Whitefoord 3588).
Robinson (1934b) discussed M. scandens and its relatives, concluding that this species name should be restricted to a taxon of eastern and southeastern United States and M. m‘crantha used for the neotropical aspect. Fosberg and Sachet (1980b45) used Mikania scandens (Lhaeus) Willdenow for a broad concept, including M. micrantha. Domin (193W65) reported the local tradition that this weed arrived in Dominica in 1902 with the eruption of Mt. Pel& and arrived in its volcanic cloud. The earliest Dominica collection known (cited by Domin) is a Bryant collection in 1905.
Mikania ovalis Mikonio ovalis Grisebach, 1861:363.-Urban, 1907, 5:217.-Domin, 19306:67. Leaves thick-coriaceous, ovate to rotund, base rounded, margins with a few glandular “teeth”; heads pedicelled; involucre 2 mm; achenes 2 mm. Martinique and Guadeloupe; in Dominica on or near summits of higher mountains: Mome Anglais [Couliaboun, type locality] (Hodge 768, 2266), Morne Diablotins (Fishlock s.n., Hodge 2831, Wasshausen & Ayensu 407, Webster 13367, Whitefoord 5730), Morne Trois Pitons (Chambers 2755, Ernst 1219, Hodge 767,1388, Wilbur 8100), sine loc. (Fishlock 4). Flowering April-June.

Csatolt képek:

Javítva: 26.02.2018. 18:03 | Fel!


RE: Guadeloupe, Mikania?

- Milyen külhoni növény? 20.02.2018. 20:47
- Kemény Dió | 5.586 Hozzászólás

Elnézést, most már ilyen nehezek maradtak, mert a 100 legkönnyebbet sikerült metalálnom



RE: Guadeloupe, Mikania?

- Milyen külhoni növény? 20.02.2018. 22:09
- Lila Pereszke | 18.514 Hozzászólás

Akkor igazán írhatnál egy-két szép túrabeszámolót is a fórumra relaxálás gyanánt... a 100 legkönnyebb guadeloupei növényt is megnéznénk egy posztban némi leírással.

Javítva: 20.02.2018. 22:09 | Fel!


RE: Guadeloupe, Mikania?

- Milyen külhoni növény? 20.02.2018. 22:14
- Kemény Dió | 5.586 Hozzászólás

Majd lesz róluk házi vetítés, küldök meghívót.



RE: Guadeloupe, Mikania?

- Milyen külhoni növény? 26.02.2018. 10:53
- Starlinger Franz | 70 Hozzászólás

Valószínűleg Chromolaena odorata. Természetesen nem Mikania. A növénynek túl sok virág van a kosárban.



RE: Guadeloupe, Mikania?

- Milyen külhoni növény? 26.02.2018. 14:14
- Kemény Dió | 5.586 Hozzászólás

Köszönöm. Daran habe ich nicht gedacht, obwohl ich diese Art schon fotografiert habe.


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