
Thaiföld, még egy fehér macskahere (=Leucas cf. zeylanica)

- Milyen külhoni növény? 20.02.2017. 18:44
- Kemény Dió | 5.579 Hozzászólás

Ko Tao szigetén, kb. 100 m-en. Leucas aspera vagy zeylanica?

7 (6) Verticillasters ca. 1.5 cm in diam., few flowered; calyx tube not conspicuously ribbed adaxially 4 Leucas zeylanica
+ Verticillasters 2-2.5 cm in diam., many flowered; calyx tube conspicuously ribbed adaxially 5 Leucas aspera

5. Leucas aspera (Willdenow) Link, Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 2: 113. 1822.
Phlomis aspera Willdenow, Enum. Pl. 621. 1809.

Herbs annual, 20-40 cm tall. Stems hispid. Petiole short to obsolete, densely hispid; leaf blade linear or oblong-linear, 2.5-6 × 0.8-1.5 cm, strigose especially on veins abaxially, base cuneate-decurrent, margin sparsely crenate or sometimes subentire, apex obtuse, lateral veins ca. 3 pairs. Verticillasters globose, 2-2.5(-3) cm in diam., many flowered, densely hispid; bracts linear, as long as calyx, margin hispid ciliate, apex slightly spinescent. Calyx tubular, ca. 1 cm, slightly constricted at apex, slightly hispid or subglabrous at base, otherwise densely hispid outside; mouth oblique, erect; teeth straight, broadly triangular, apex spinescent. Corolla white, slightly longer than calyx tube, ca. 1.2 cm; tube ca. 8 mm; lower lip spreading, middle lobe largest. Nutlets brown, oblong, triquetrous, ca. 2 mm, shiny. Fl. and fr. year round. Fields, open wet areas, sandy grasslands; ca. 100 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan [India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand].

4. Leucas zeylanica (Linnaeus) R. Brown, Prodr. 504. 1810.
Phlomis zeylanica Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 586. 1753.

Herbs erect, ca. 40 cm tall. Stems hispid-villous or villous-hirsute. Petiole ca. 5 mm; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate, 3.5-5 × 0.5-1 cm, sparsely strigose, densely so on veins and densely yellowish glandular abaxially, base cuneate-attenuate, margin remotely crenate-serrate above base, apex acuminate, lateral veins 3 or 4 pairs. Verticillasters ca. 1.5 cm in diam., subequal, few flowered, sparsely hispid; bracts linear, mostly shorter than calyx tube, apex somewhat spinescent. Calyx tubular-campanulate, slightly curved, basally glabrous, slightly corrugate, sparsely hispid at apex outside, minutely hispid inside, veins inconspicuous, not hispid; mouth oblique, slightly constricted; teeth 8 or 9, spinescent, ca. 1 mm. Corolla white or white with purple spots, ca. 1.2 mm; tube slender, straight, slightly enlarged, densely villous near throat, subglabrous at base outside, villous annulate inside; lower lip ca. 2 × as long as upper lip, spreading, lateral lobes ovate; middle lobe largest, elliptic, undulate on margin. Nutlets chestnut brown, ellipsoid, subtriquetrous, shiny. Fl. and fr. year round.
Seashores, fields, roadsides, sunny waste slopes; 0-300 m. Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan [India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Sri Lanka] Used medicinally for coughs, toothaches, and abdominal pains.

Csatolt képek:

Javítva: 28.10.2020. 21:46 | Fel!


RE: Thaiföld, még egy fehér macskahere

- Milyen külhoni növény? 10.03.2018. 17:28
- Lila Pereszke | 18.445 Hozzászólás
Javítva: 31.03.2020. 20:12 | Fel!


RE: Thaiföld, még egy fehér macskahere

- Milyen külhoni növény? 28.10.2020. 21:45
- Kemény Dió | 5.579 Hozzászólás

Ha a 4-5 érpárt nézzük, akkor zeylanica.

Javítva: 28.10.2020. 21:48 | Fel!

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