
Közép-Amerika, martilapulevelü aggófü (=Roldana sp.)

- Milyen külhoni növény? 20.12.2015. 19:20
- Kemény Dió | 5.586 Hozzászólás

Szubalpin régióban. Senecio petasites, petasioides (ez gondolom más), jurgensenii, vagy valami hasonló.

Csatolt képek:
Asteraceae (18).JPG

Javítva: 01.04.2020. 13:33 | Fel!


RE: Közép-Amerika, martilapulevelü aggófü

- Milyen külhoni növény? 27.02.2018. 12:41
- Kemény Dió | 5.586 Hozzászólás

Roldana heterogama?

...1. Non-pachycaulous elongate-stemmed herbs, shrubs, or trees flowering when leafy; stems elongate; disk corolla lobes subequal to or shorter than throat; cortex without resin ducts.
2. Phyllaries 10-13.
3. Leaf blade venation pinnate to subpinnate.
4. Leaf surfaces slightly discolorous, abaxial surfaces persistently tomentulose to pubescent; capitulescence not held well above stem leaves; disk florets only slightly exserted from involucre. 2. R. aschenborniana
4. Leaf surfaces obviously discolorous, abaxial surfaces usually densely lanatetomentose; capitulescence held above stem leaves; disk florets moderately exserted from involucre. 3. R. barba-johannis
3. Leaf blade venation palmate to triplinerved.
5. Capitulescences loosely corymbiform-paniculate; capitula 9-18 mm.
6. Capitula radiate; herbage indistinctly stipitate-glandular, trichomes 0.5-1 mm; leaves with petiole marginally attached; phyllaries 2-3.5 mm diam. 6. R. gilgii
6. Capitula disciform; peduncles and phyllaries with indumentum mostly of dense stipitate-glands, stipitate glands 0.1- 0.2 mm; leaves eccentrically peltate below capitulescences; phyllaries 1-2 mm diam.
8. R. heterogama 5. Capitulescences with ultimate clusters moderately dense; capitula 7-13 mm.
7. Leaf blades suborbicular to reniform, venation palmate; stems densely lanatetomentose, pith solid; abaxial leaf blade surfaces densely and persistently lanatetomentose. 10. R. lanicaulis
7. Leaf blades rhomboidal to ovate, venation triplinerved; stems densely floccose-tomentose to glabrate in patches, fistulose; abaxial leaf blade surfaces arachnoid-pubescent to floccose-tomentulose. 11. R. lobata
2. Phyllaries 5-8. ...

Javítva: 27.02.2018. 12:41 | Fel!

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